Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Song a Day

The Residents - Hello Skinny

I've been a fan of The Residents since the mid 70s. Although they had proclaimed at the time that they'd never perform live, I've seen them 4 times on stage over the last 3 decades and only just recently in New York City. The members are still anonymous and disguised, when in public, and their music as wonderfully weird as ever. This great early song perfectly demonstrates the typical residents feeling their music evokes.

Skinny was born in a bathtub
And he grew so incredibly
Even the end of an eyedropper
sucked him in

Skinny never knew any questiong
Skinny never looked at the lights
But Skinny sold something
every single night

Skinny sold a soldier to me
Skinny sold a wife
Skinny sold a suction cup
And a knife
Skinny found a Hello Dolly
record in the hall
He sold it to a truck driver
in the fall

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