Friday, September 25, 2009

Indeterminacy 158

Betty Isaacs went shopping at Altman’s.
She spent all her money except her last dime,
which she kept in her hand so that she’d
have it ready when she got on the bus to go
home and wouldn’t have to fumble around
in her purse since her arms were full of
parcels and she was also carrying a
shopping bag. Waiting for the bus,
she decided to make sure she still
had the coin. When she opened her
hand, there was nothing there. She
mentally retraced her steps trying to
figure out where she’d lost the dime.
Her mind made up, she went
straight to the glove department, and
sure enough there it was on the floor
where she’d been standing. As she
stooped to pick it up, another
shopper said, “I wish I knew where
to go to pick money up off the floor.”
Relieved, Betty Isaacs took the bus
home to the Village. Unpacking
her parcels, she discovered the dime
in the bottom of the shopping bag.

- John Cage

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