Monday, August 29, 2011

Songs in the key of my life

While going through the Rolling Stones Magazine's Top 500 Songs list and getting agitated about its arbitrariness, I thought about making a list of my own. I would easily come up with 500 titles or more and might even find a concept to make it comprehensible , but I'd still end up with an uneasy feeling putting up a single song as no. 1 or even setting a top 10 ranking. Although such a list would pretty much give a good impression of my musical tastes, it would nonethless include my favourites only and would miss out on how my tastes have changed over more than 4 decades.
So my idea is to list all those songs (or as many as possible), the good, the bad and the ugly, which have had some kind of impact on me since my early childhood. I'll do so in no chronological order, in no order at all, but as they come to my mind, and I'll tell a little bit, why each song has a certain meaning to me or why it has something to do with my life. I hope this'll be fun (and funny at times) and might find some interest with anyone reading them.

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