Friday, May 16, 2014

Holy Smoke (1999)

While on a journey of discovery in exotic India, a young woman falls under the influence of a charismatic religious guru and her desperate parents a cult de-programmer who confronts the woman in a remote desert hideaway.

Despite all the talent involved and some wonderful photography this would-be satire turns silly very quickly.

Halliwell*: "A topical subject is explored in depth, with every approach to life equally questioned, but along the way, with its concentration on the relationship between Keitel and Winset, the impetus is lost and most of the questions raised remain unanswered."

Maltin**: "Naked performances - in every sense of the word - by the two leads and a layered script rife with quirky humor and sexual politics can't bring credibility to Keitel's character. This is supposed to be his 190th case; what were the other 189 like?"

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