Monday, February 2, 2009


Once again MySpace thought they needed to protect the moral majority. The strange thing is that the image was sent to me (publicly!) by my good friend Nora as a comment and was not censored. But as I tried to put the image into one of my photo albums on my profile they thought they needed to feel alarmed.

Here's their standard warning:

We had to remove an image (or images) from your account because they violated our Terms of Use. Our site is for people as young as 13, so we can't have certain kinds of pics (nude/sexually explicit, violence). Find out more about content we don’t allow at If you continue to violate our Terms, we may be forced to remove your account.

If you find an image which you feel is in violation of our Terms, please feel free to use the 'report image' link below the image.

Thanks for your understanding.

MySpace Safety & Security

1 comment:

Julia Randall said...

MySpace is a bunch of hypocrites, pure and simple. I get pretty worked up about them, but I'm even more irritated with the people who report images in the first place. MySpace relies on these idiots to help do their dirty work. Wish they'd create a site for all of the prudes in the universe so they'd leave the rest of us alone.