Sunday, March 1, 2009

Gilda (1946)

I know this is a classic and rightfully so, but still: I've always had problems with this movie. It's not just Glenn Ford who I never particularly liked.

First and foremost this is about a case of pathological jealousy. The cruelties Glenn Ford inflicts onto Rita Hayworth know no bounds, at times I find his behaviour sheer unbearable. The supposed 'cruelties' she inflicts on him nurturing his jealousy are in the end all fake! So, the only 'bad guy' in this movie is Glenn Ford himself.

The most disconcerting part of this movie is the pop-goes-the weasel happy ending is liked glued on. Not only is Ford 'cured' and repents, he doesn't even get prosecuted for the crimes he committed...Gilda is a sadomasochistic fairy tale.

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