Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Vignettes #26

As you might know I used to be the co-owner of a small cinema store during the mid 90s. Besides selling books, posters, videos and soundtracks we also had a large department of alternative music. Since we were more or less the only store in town selling this kind of music, we did very well, and we were also able to obtain rare titles on request for our customers.

Of course, we bought from our own store, too. I was especially excited when one of the labels announced the publication of a (very) limited edition box of the band Pere Ubu's complete back catalogue to that date called Datapanik in the Year Zero. I've been a fervent Pere Ubu from the beginning, and I certainly needed that box.

So we ordered one edition for me, since we didn't expect any of our customers wanting to buy it. On the day it was to arrive I had off, but I came by because I wanted to pick up my purchase. When I arrived my 2 co-owners told me that a customer had seen the box and had wanted it so badly they sold it too him.

I was very angry about this, and their argument about the profit we had made didn't help much. They did tell me that the buyer was Paul, a friend of mine who used to work with me at the film club (he still does to this day). Since I liked him I thought that at least the right person got the box. I was certain the edition was by now sold out at the label, so I had to face the fact that I wasn't ever going to have the box for my collection.

The next day I worked at the store, and who drops by but Paul himself. He came straight over to me at the counter and said: "I'm sorry, but I have an unusual request. I know you don't take merchandise back, if it has been used, but could you make an exception with this Pere Ubu box? I listened to the music and it is absolutely unbearable! I will never ever listen to their music again!"

The box is now one of my most cherished possessions in my collection...

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