Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Vignettes #49

In the 1980s I used to attend the Berlin film festival each year together with my pals from our cinema. Usually Sepp went along with me, a big husky fellow who loved to eat.

In Berlin he knew a special stand where you can get the best Currywurst, a Berlin fast food speciality consisting of a suasage and some Curry-flavoured sauce with some fries, and he never missed a day to go there.

One day I was to meet him at that stand, which was right next to the Bahnhof Zoo, the main train station at that time. I arrived and saw that next to him was a middle-aged Japanese couple, all dressed up for travel with their suitcases, and they were both choking on a Currywurst.

I asked Sepp: "Did you notice that Japanese couple? They're obviously not enjoying their Currywurst, but seem to be forcing themselves to eat it."

Sepp replied: "Yeah, they just arrived from Japan and asked me the way to their hotel, but I convinced them to try a Currywurst first."

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