Saturday, June 12, 2010

New Stuff: Last Call. The Rise and Fall of Prohibition

The Prohibition has always been a great mystery to me, and I must admit that I don't know very much about its history besides the role it has played in numerous movies. The idea itself, prohibiting the consumption of beverages containing alcohol ('intoxicating beverages'), seems to me horrific and sacrilegious: wasn't it Christ himself who created wine out of water, declared it as his own blood and told his disciples to drink it regularly in his name?
In hindsight the age of Prohibtion in the United States appears to have been a dark and radically Protestant age and a precursor to our new cultural threats like political correctness or the universal smoking bans.
I think there are always forces within society that are unable to accept the diversity of its individuals, but rather see an advantage in leveling everyone down to one common demeanor. My idea of society is rather we all accept each other's differences...
I'm very much looking forward to reading this book.

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