Sunday, August 19, 2018

Amanda Knox (2016)

American exchange student Amanda Knox is convicted and eventually acquitted for the 2007 death of another student in Italy.

Excellent documentary that looks beyond (and behind) the media hysteria avoids the whodunnit perspective, but nevertheless exposes the guilt of some of the major protagonists who fueled the frenzy.

A revealing quote:

Nick Pisa - Freelance Journalist, The Daily Mail: But hey, what are we supposed to do? We are journalists and we are reporting what we are being told. It's not as if I can say "Hold on a minute, I just want to double check that myself in some other way, who knows how, and I'll let my rival get in there first before me, and then, hey, I've lost a scoop." It doesn't work like that, not in the news game.

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