Saturday, April 16, 2022

Drôle de drame (1937)


In Victorian London, a Crime Novelist and his Wife fake their disappearance in order to hide from an uptight Anglican Bishop who is leading a campaign against the "evils" of crime fiction.

This unusual and lively satire is a French attempt to do a British screwball comedy and successfully mocks hypocritical society; it's all entertaining due to its splendid cast, especially Michel Simon is a joy to watch.

Halliwell*: "A curious satirical comedy which is never quite as funny as it seems about to be, but should be seen for its downright peculiar London sets and its array of actors in top form." 

Maltin***: "Rapier-witted satire...Carné and Carné lampoon upper-class elitism, hypocritical regious leaders, inept jounalists, overzealous cops, and the ever-fickle masses."


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