Monday, November 16, 2020

Aufzeichnungen zu Kleidern und Städten (1989)

Wim Wenders talks with Japanese fashion designer Yohji Yamamoto about the creative process and ponders the relationship between cities, identity and the cinema in the digital age.

A personal, idiosyncratic and essayistic documentary, made in a eclectic style using different modes of photography, often reveals more about its director than its subject; nevertheless, it is an intriguing work.
Halliwell*: "A quirky examination of the images we create of ourselves and the people we really are, or may be, in a world of quick change. Yamamoto is thoughtful but not particularly articulate about his work, other than when expressing his enjoyment of irresponsibility, which contrasts with Wenders' fussily pedantic style. The quality of the images is variable, owing to much of the material being shot with a video camera."

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