Wednesday, November 18, 2020

The Sheltering Sky (1990)

An American couple travel abroad to revitalize their relationship. But as the trip drags on, their attempt at recovering what they once had seems futile.

Beautifully photographed and well-cast adaptation of Paul Bowles' novel is less about the couple's deteriorating marriage, but more about their inability to realize or understand their surroundings and the culture they are traveling through.
Halliwell**: "Austere, stunningly photographed movie that yields rewards if approached on its own terms."

Maltin**: "Infuriatingly long, dense story...Paul Bowles' novels are often referred to as unfilmable, and this is certainly proof of that. Vividly atmospheric, well acted, and sexually explicit, but this is a jouney you may not want to take. Bowles narrates and appears on-screen as mysterious man in bar." 


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